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Most people think of websites as primarily a design project, but copy doesn't just fill in the holes. Websites are about making decisions. Copy and design must marry perfectly to show your customers what's important and guide them toward a decision. 

Copy can't be an afterthought. Nothing can. Think of me as your website whisperer. I'll help you or your web team think it through from sitemaps to wireframes, page copy to SEO. Let's get your website project to the finish line — no headaches, no drama.

PreSales Collective

Landing pages for program courses

To promote their innovative courses for PreSales professionals, the PreSales Collective ran an aggressive campaign driving leads to sign up through three distinct landing pages. The pages had to speak to the students themselves, their managers, and their organizational leadership.


These pages live and die by their copy. They do the work of communicating the benefit of a powerful PreSales team and paint the picture of what life will be like for team members and organizations after the couse.


I wireframed these pages and wrote all copy within a tight three-week deadline from start to finish, including client discovery.


Click the images on the right to see the page.

PSC Hub.png
PSC Elevate.png
PSC Foundations.png
Amitrace home.png
Amitrace education 2.png


Entire Website Rebuild

I helped Amitrace set a de-railed website relaunch back on track. The client wanted to produce copy in tandem with the site's development — double-timing it to make up for lost weeks. 


I worked with Amitrace's CEO to gain a deep understanding of the company's five verticals and craft copy that meets them where they are. 


I wrote all copy and coordinated with Amitrace's web agency to produce copy that fit their wireframes, saving rounds and weeks of editing.

Eye Care

Entire Website Build For Mabus Agency

Dr. Cheatham goes above and beyond to care for rural and underserved patients, but he had no digital presence.


We built a clean website with a focus on functionality. The site conveys Cheatham's robust service offerings in layman's terms and allows them to book appointments, call, or map their way to Cheatham's office in just a click. 


I created the site map and wrote all copy. The end product stands out among the competition and conveys the same warm experience a patient would receive in Cheatham's office.

Cheatham site home.png
Cheatham home 2.png
SimpleTix website 2.png
Simpletix Website 3.png


Entire Website Rebuild

After a year of working with SimpleTix to implement an SEO-focused content strategy, the company needed a new website to better convey its innovative product. 


SimpleTix's new site succeeds by contextualizing SimpleTix's robust feature set according to the various benefits they enable. By showing users how a particular feature can make it simpler to run their event, experienced and newbie organizers alike can get more out of their events and the SimpleTix app.


I created the site map, wireframed the page templates, and wrote all copy for the new website. The final product gives SimpleTix a digital home base to build on for the next several years as the app continues to evolve.


Industry Pages Revision For Content Workshop

TheAppLabb works with all types of industries to create powerful digital experiences, but their own website had fallen into a state of brand neglect. They came to Content Workshop to bring consistency to several brand assets.


First, we redesigned industry pages for retail, fintech, and healthcare clients. We pulled a few select elements from TheAppLabb's frankenbrand and gave them purpose in our page design, and we wrote copy that cuts through the development jargon and speaks to TheAppLabb's real value.


I wireframed new templates for the industry pages and helped guide page design. I also worked closely with internal stakeholders to understand the target audience in each industry. With their insights, I wrote all copy for each page.

AppLabb retail_edited_edited.jpg
TheAppLabb Fintech 2.png
TheAppLabb healthcare industry 1.png
UC - pacquiao speed bag 2_edited.png

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